viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Argumentative Essay :The Summer Opera in Rome

Created By: Mabel Adriana Vanegas

The most important event in Rome is the summer opera that this is realist each year, in this event Rome is moved in the Season summer Lyrical in a place named Termas de Caracalla is a the biggest building in Rome. The principal problem is that people don’t recognize the important of this event.

Firstly. The Teatro dell'Opera was originally known as the Teatro Costanzi after the contractor who built it, Domenico Costanzi (1810-1898). The opera house was built in eighteen months, on the site where the house of Heliogabalus stood in ancient times, and was inaugurated on 27 November 1880 with a performance of Semiramide by Gioachino Rossini.

Secondly the impact economic that this events bring to Rome population, for this reason each day the mass media Rome search new strategies for capture all the world, for example advertisements that it convene the best public.

Conclusion. The Problem of The Summer Opera was that people have not information need and people don’t recognize the story. For this reason for the Mass Media contribute remark ably, the visit of people of the world.

argumentative essay

Religious rituals in Rome VS Religious rituals in Latin America

create by : Mabel Adriana Vanegas

The most important religious rituals in Rome are different to the Latin American religious rituals , their have different behaviors and achievements. However, people in the past the religious was only one, because in this moment all work practice the catholic religious. Their similarities are referred to that nowadays the God is a God of goodness and He is not evil .For this reason is important recognize the features as; Roman polytheism was the religion of the Etruscans, Romans, and most of their subjects. On the other hand the Latin American religious is monotheistic.

I’m going to discus first. The Roman polytheism in the begin human existence, originally followed a rural
animistic tradition, in which many spirits were each responsible for specific, limited aspects of the cosmos and human activities, such as ploughing. The Romans referred this as numina, Another aspect of this animistic belief was ancestor, or genius, worship, with each family honoring their own dead by their own rites. On the other hand the Latin America religious is a set of beliefs and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience.
The other aspect is a religious of these cultures nowadays, for example in Roma the rituals religious are the same in contrast in Latin American, because in It have new religious for example in Brazil practice the Santeria where the center is specific supernatural as sea ,the air and People give their harvest the Lemanjà.

In conclusion, it essay demonstrate the principal features, between the Rome religious and Latin America religious only you decide what religious, you like profess.

reference to:

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008


The Elizabeth Tudor Queen and Laura Pausini are two woman that compared, their have different scope and achievements. However, people in the past and now feel the best admiration. Their similarities are referred to the way Laura is the singer queen and Elizabeth Tudor an England queen and their differences are that Laura had a childhood wonderful and Elizabeth in her childhood was unhappy. For this reason this two personalities are different.

I’m going to discuss childhood first. The childhood Elizabeth was unhappy because her father never development a family relationship. The father’s Elizabeth was Enrique VIII kind who never demonstrates the love and fraternity to his daughter. On the other hand Laura grow up in the art environment, where development to be Laura the singer queen.

I’m going to discuss when there are queen second. The Tudor dynasty becomes after that sister dead. Elizabeth is twenty five years old when was queen, her homework was social events enacted by royalty. In contrast Laura is eight teen years old when was queen her homework was sing in several concert .she had already won the San Remo festival”93.

Conclusion, It essay demonstrate two stile life, where you can look the queen in the past and the queen in the present, only you decide what are you queen?


jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008


Name : Laura Pausini

Date of Birth : May 16th, 1974

Place of Birth : Solarolo, Revenna-Italy

Height : 5' 6½

Profession : Singer

Laura was born in Solarolo, a teeny city of Emiglia-Romagna, north of Italy, in May 16th, 1974. She attended the Liceo Artistico di Faenza, an Italian high school, she left there formed at the age 18 (she left it with average 36, the maximum is 40), she had already won the San Remo Festival'93, and Laura was to Milan, where she's living until today. She was born under the Taurus sign, Laura recognizes herself as a really one, ' I'm obstinate and very jalousie ', besides being romantic ' Can I hide that? People say that I'm romantic as my songs, but I don't get to be different ...' . And Laura has a special reason to so much romanticism, she is passionate and fiancée of Alfredo Cerruti Jr. (five years older than Laura), he's also her manager, ' he is everything to me ', she says. They are living together in Milan.

lISTEN the my play list the song SCRIVIMI

ScrivimiQuando il vento avrà spogliato gli alberiGli altri sono andati al cinemaMa tu vuoi restare soloPoca voglia di parlare alloraScrivimiServirà a sentirti meno fragileQuando nella gente troveraiSolamente indifferenzaTu non ti dimenticare mai di me

E se non avrai da direNiente di particolareNon ti devi preoccupareIo saprò capireA me basta di sapereChe mi pensi anche un minutoPerché io so accontentarmiAnche di un semplice salutoCi vuole pocoPer sentirsi più viciniScrivimiQuando il cielo sembrerà più limpidoLe giornate ormai si allunganoMa tu non aspettar la seraSe hai voglia di cantareScrivimiAnche quando penseraiChe ti sei innamorato
Tu non ti dimenticare mai di meE
se non sai come direSe non trovi le paroleNon ti devi preoccupareIo saprò capireA me basta di sapereChe mi pensi anche un minutoPerché io so accontentarmiAnche di un semplice salutoCi vuole pocoPer sentirsi più viciniScrivimi
Anche quando penseraiChe ti sei innamoratoTu scrivimi


sábado, 26 de abril de 2008



Your children can be real Tudors, putting on a costume for the day, provided by the Manor. Our costumed presenters will then cover the story of the Tudor dynasty, the Kings and Queens, using role-play and participation of the children. The great events of the time will be enacted, as will the social changes that affected the local community, such as religion, work and crime.

After a short break the children will eat dinner in the formal style of a Tudor hall, with the presenters explaining the etiquette of the day. This is followed by a short tour of the Manor and then a final session covering the daily life of children in Tudor times and may include games, song and dance, schooling, clothing and other aspects of childhood, rich and poor.


sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Class asigment songs



Tuviste mi corazon
Yo y tu siempre tendremos una union
Hablaran sobre ello en la revista
Pero tu siempre seras primero en mi lista
Cariño porque en la oscuridad
No puedes ver mucha lucidad
Y es alli donde te necesitare
Contigo siempre compartire

Cuando el sol brilla, brillamos los dos
Te dije que estare alli para vos
Te dije que siempre sere tu amigo
Sal del armario y dimelo
Ahora que esta lloviendo mas que nunca
Tienes que saber que me tendras siempre
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)

Porque todo
Lo que nos a venido
Tu parte de mi cuerpo
Aqui para el infinito
Cuando la guerra nos separo
Cuando el mundo como una carta nos jugo
Y si la presion es muy fuerte
Juntos lograremos cuidarte

Cuando el sol brilla, brillamos los dos
Te dije que estare alli para vos
Te dije que siempre sere tu amigo
Sal del armario y dimelo
Ahora que esta lloviendo mas que nunca
Tienes que saber que me tendras siempre
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)

Puedes correr hacia mis manos
No pasa nada no te alarmes (ven hacia mi)
(No hay distancia entre nuestro amor)
Ven aqui y deja que llueva
Estare aqui hasta que no te duela

Cuando el sol brilla, brillamos los dos
Te dije que estare alli para vos
Te dije que siempre sere tu amigo
Sal del armario y dimelo
Ahora que esta lloviendo mas que nunca
Tienes que saber que me tendras siempre
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas
Puedes estar debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)
Debajo de mi paraguas (aguas aguas as as as)

Llueve, llueve
Oh cariño llueve
Cariño ven hacia mi
Ven a mi
Llueve, llueve
Oh cariño llueve
Siempre puedes venir a mi




Ahuh Ahuh (Yea Rihanna)
Ahuh Ahuh (Good girl gone bad)
Ahuh Ahuh (Take three... Action)
Ahuh Ahuh
No clouds in my storms
Let it rain, I hydroplane into fame (Rihanna: Eh eh)
Come'n down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone
We Rocafella (Rihanna: Eh eh)
She fly higher than weather
And she rocks it better
You know me
An anticipation for precipitation, stacks chips for the rainy day(Rihanna: Eh eh)
Jay, rain man is back with lil Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?

You had my heart, and we'll never be world apart
Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the Dark, You can see shiny Cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share

When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath Imma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, Here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, Together we'll mend your heart
Because ..

When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath Imma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

You can run into my Arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
(Come into Me)
(There's no distance in between our love)
So Gonna let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more
Because ..

When the sun shines
We'll shine Together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath Imma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

It's raining (raining)
Ooo baby it's raining
baby come into me
Come into me
It's raining (raining)
Ooo baby it's raining
You can always come into me
Come into me......

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008


The Concept and Structure of Rome’s Family


The structure and concept in the Rome’s family have been remarkably changes. For this reason in the past in Rome the families was a submit group of a manager or Family Pater .Nowadays the Rome’s families have positive effects and negative effects .

Firstly , the positive effects is the concept of the family , Because the Rome families keep the valuables , For example the friendliness and brotherhood , Nowadays the family in Rome learned to their songs in the children hood the important of parents in the family , Them the songs learn to their songs.

Secondly, other positive effect is the structure, .because in the past the Rome families was evolving in the Justinian epoch. It was conform by Pater and Filius families, For example the Rome woman was named Maritaris, about the songs Potestas or Patria Potestas, Now the structure of the families is the same.

In summary, the most important element, in the family is the valuables as, brother hood and friendless, because they always keep the valuables by conform a family.

Rome Art :A Service of the Hierarchy


When you remember to Rome art, you have things about its Architecture and Engineering. It was extending for all the work; their influences are of the world Etruscan and Greece. For this Reason the positive effects.

Firstly the positive aspect is the Architecture. It element is an art that cover the entire world the empire until to day. This influence was more representative in the occidental culture, Nowadays it Architecture is present in oriental culture, Norte American culture Etc.

In the other hand; the art have religious and civil influence, it is other positive effect, because the religious culture keep the relation ships filial demonstrate in the art. For example the religious mosaics, the Rome village. Too the Greece mythological, nowadays in all the world people professes the catholic religious this art given an important input.

In summary, the help of Rome culture establish in the world the think of the art; Architecture and Engineering for create new structures of think in the humans.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Essay cause and effect

Transportation system
Created by: Mabel Adriana Vanegas

Mass transportation system in Bogotá, Colombia has been beneficial for people in this city; this transportation system was built approximately ten years ago. For this reason the effects that you can find are negative and positive, where the principal element is Bogotá’s population happiness.

First positive effect is the pollution. The pollution has decreased remarkably, because this transportation system has new technology. Also the Bogotano’s health have been better, because the respiratory disease has decreased in children and adults. Too the decreased pollution of the environment has kept a balance in the human and environment.

Secondly the other positive effect is the crowded. The crowded has left that the population arrive to their work punctually, because this transportation system has avoided the traffic jam, Also population in this moment prefer this system by its speed and security.

In summary, the best positive effect of this transportation system has been the benefit by the environment, because its leave the balance between the human health and environment

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

Class Assigment



Recognize the important of Rome civilization in their three main periods: before the rise of Rome, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Empire is usually divided up according to who was emperor.
  • Recognize some emperors of each peiod in the Rome civilization
  • Identificate the Wonderful Roman art and the advantege of this in the world
  • Investigate a new culture since their Ancestors


Imagine that you live in a new age of time travel. You have been recruited to test a new mode of time transportation. You will be making your trial run to ancient civilizations. For this reason my blog is about the most fantastic ancient civilization that is the Rome civilization. The Roman history is usually divided into three main periods: before the rise of Rome, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Empire is usually divided up according to who was emperor.

Before the rise of Rome:
Stone Age (to 3000 BC)
Bronze Age (ca. 3000 BC-1000 BC)
Etruscans (ca. 1000 BC-500 BC)
Roman Republic:
The early period (ca. 500 BC-300 BC)
The Punic Wars (ca. 275 BC-146 BC)
The Civil Wars (ca. 146 BC-30 BC)
Roman Empire:
The Julio-Claudians(30 BC-68 AD)
The Flavians (69 AD-96 AD)
The Five Good Emperors (96 AD-161 AD)
The Severans (161 AD-235 AD)
The Theodosians (363 AD-450 AD)
After the fall of Rome:
The Ostrogoths