viernes, 18 de abril de 2008


The Concept and Structure of Rome’s Family


The structure and concept in the Rome’s family have been remarkably changes. For this reason in the past in Rome the families was a submit group of a manager or Family Pater .Nowadays the Rome’s families have positive effects and negative effects .

Firstly , the positive effects is the concept of the family , Because the Rome families keep the valuables , For example the friendliness and brotherhood , Nowadays the family in Rome learned to their songs in the children hood the important of parents in the family , Them the songs learn to their songs.

Secondly, other positive effect is the structure, .because in the past the Rome families was evolving in the Justinian epoch. It was conform by Pater and Filius families, For example the Rome woman was named Maritaris, about the songs Potestas or Patria Potestas, Now the structure of the families is the same.

In summary, the most important element, in the family is the valuables as, brother hood and friendless, because they always keep the valuables by conform a family.

Rome Art :A Service of the Hierarchy


When you remember to Rome art, you have things about its Architecture and Engineering. It was extending for all the work; their influences are of the world Etruscan and Greece. For this Reason the positive effects.

Firstly the positive aspect is the Architecture. It element is an art that cover the entire world the empire until to day. This influence was more representative in the occidental culture, Nowadays it Architecture is present in oriental culture, Norte American culture Etc.

In the other hand; the art have religious and civil influence, it is other positive effect, because the religious culture keep the relation ships filial demonstrate in the art. For example the religious mosaics, the Rome village. Too the Greece mythological, nowadays in all the world people professes the catholic religious this art given an important input.

In summary, the help of Rome culture establish in the world the think of the art; Architecture and Engineering for create new structures of think in the humans.

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