viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008


Imagine that you live in a new age of time travel. You have been recruited to test a new mode of time transportation. You will be making your trial run to ancient civilizations. For this reason my blog is about the most fantastic ancient civilization that is the Rome civilization. The Roman history is usually divided into three main periods: before the rise of Rome, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Empire is usually divided up according to who was emperor.

Before the rise of Rome:
Stone Age (to 3000 BC)
Bronze Age (ca. 3000 BC-1000 BC)
Etruscans (ca. 1000 BC-500 BC)
Roman Republic:
The early period (ca. 500 BC-300 BC)
The Punic Wars (ca. 275 BC-146 BC)
The Civil Wars (ca. 146 BC-30 BC)
Roman Empire:
The Julio-Claudians(30 BC-68 AD)
The Flavians (69 AD-96 AD)
The Five Good Emperors (96 AD-161 AD)
The Severans (161 AD-235 AD)
The Theodosians (363 AD-450 AD)
After the fall of Rome:
The Ostrogoths

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